
The Usual Tech Ramblings

Blog Stats, and popularity

The other day I got a little curious about the popularity of my blog. I’m pretty sure, or at least was, that I am probably the only one that reads it. That was until a few days ago when somebody posted a comment on one of my posts about promoting a domain controller. This inspired me to look at who is looking at what.

I did a little looking around, and stumbled across wp-slimstat. Setup is very easy (pretty much self contained), and it just “goes”. It provides handy links to search queries from search engines, for example, my blog actually appears 7th in the google search for “cannot dcpromo a 2003 server to a 2000 domain”. That impresses me, simply because it means my name appears on page 1 of a google search (that doesn’t count searching for my name). Searching for “innodb table full” places me second on google. Not too bad ;)

If you don’t track what your blog does, you should, you might be pleasantly surprised.
