
The Usual Tech Ramblings


It’s about 9:30pm, and I had a random thought. Well not entirely random as it was inspired by something I was doing. Cheese and Onion sandwiches. I was making them. Why did this make me reminisce? Because I used to make them for my dad for work, and me for school (right around the same time at night too). Loaded with cheese, and depending on how lazy I was feeling, either chopped onion, or whole slices of onion. I’d carefully wrap them in foil, or clingfilm, and enjoy them the next day. Depending on how I made them, and how well I’d wrapped them, they’d also be known as “exploding sandwiches” as my dad would open them, and they’d fly everywhere. I’d either not hear anything, or laughing as he’d bite into one of them, and wear most of it…. sighs
