
The Usual Tech Ramblings

Work, without Windows

It’s always been one of those items on my list to try, operating entirely at work without Microsoft Windows (r) on my laptop. Yesterday I think that possibility became all the more viable. With the move of our production servers to our corporate office, and there being no direct link to the servers, we have to use Citrix. Citrix has a Linux client. The other issue I had was with Microsoft Office Outlook (r). With the mail services being moved to our corporate office, we have to use Outlook with RPC over HTTPS. This complicates the usage of Outlook, however, Citrix comes in again, as they provide access to Outlook via the Citrix services.

Everything else I need to do here in the office can be done using RDP, for example, user management can be done on the Domain Controllers. Permissions on files can be done on the file servers…

So it’s looking to be almost a possibility. I may have to give it a go.
