
The Usual Tech Ramblings

Busy bee

This evening I’ve been a busy bee. I had finished off processing my photos from my vacation last week, or at least getting them into JPEGs so I can get them on the gallery for the folks to see. I stumbled across a little hitch though. After managing to upload a single image, every image afterwards popped an interesting permissions error. It was certainly frustrating as I was trying to upload 500+ images. So I closed the java applet, and tried again. Same error. I attempted to login to the site, at which point it told me my user/pass was invalid…

It’s at this point you consider drinking, and giving up for the night, however I’m not like that. So I started tinkering, and couldn’t figure out what was going on. So I did something better. I’ve been meaning to upgrade the family gallery from the 1.x to the 2.x series, as the 2.x is a lot nicer. So I took the plung. As I’m already running a copy of v2 as a multisite setup, I just built a new site. With the migration plugins, I was able to tell it to grab my old v1 data, and zip it across. I say “zip”, however it wasn’t exactly fast. It took an hour, but I have close to 1500 images on that gallery.

While that was trundling along migrating the images, I took the opportunity to upgrade wordpress to 2.2.3 due to security issues… And after the image migration, and upgrade of gallery from the 2.1 I had been using to the latest 2.2 version…

All fun and games
