
The Usual Tech Ramblings

Expanding myself...

A while back I wrote about The Reboot. Unfortunately I’ve not really had a chance to go back and address some of the things I’d mentioned in it, so I’m going to try getting to that very soon. First thing was working on me…

One of the things I’ve always1 had issues with is being an introvert. My grandfather says it wasn’t always the case, and that when I was about 5, I changed. I’ve no idea what it was, but I can honestly say, I am an introvert. I have issues with meeting new people, I generally shy away from large groups, I have issues getting my ideas across, being around groups of new people drain me of all the energy. I think I’m probably the text book definition of an introvert. However, I’m trying to fix some of that. I don’t expect to be able to flip myself completely, I just think I need to expand my contacts, break out of the shell a little…

This brings up a good post from January over on SimpleTalk about increasing your professional value. The recommendations basically revolve around building networks, and “selling” yourself. 1 and 3 are about creating new networks, which I’m already doing (LOPSA, and now DFW IT Professionals), whilst 2 and 4 freak me out. Not just a little bit either, right to the core. I have issues holding meetings at work, they’re tiresome. How am I supposed to talk to a bunch of people I don’t know? But I’m working on it… I’m planning on attending a luncheon with the DFW group, they hold them regularly (once a month).

The last one, writing, I’m also doing more of. Albeit from a technical respect, and more of a “note taking” thing so I remember what I had to do to resolve issues, I’m expanding my content, and maybe I’ll actually get to writing something that might be relatively good one day.

We’ll have to see how this all plans out, or if I just run into my shell more…

  1. And I really do mean always 
