
The Usual Tech Ramblings

He Haunts me still...

After a month of him leaving, he still haunts me. It appears that before he “left”, the DBA had been working on modifying some of the scripts that do daily maintenance of the DB. This is fine, however he neglected to tell anybody he was doing it, and that he hadn’t finished.

Crap in... Crap out...

That’s the general rule of thumb when it comes to data. If you throw crap data into a database, all you’ll get out is crap. Unless you’re a wizard, or fairy, of course, which is what I think the company I work for thinks I am. I’ve just been tasked with the fun job of taking two sources of data, and making them “match” for some marketting campaign. One sheet is formatted kinda okay, while the other is hellish to say the least. It doesn’t even have headers for the columns, so I’m going to have to guess my way around this… sighs

BOFH Words of the Day

Today Bill suggested we should make a BOFH Words of the Day calendar. Today is special, being the first day and all, we’re having 2 words. They are instigating and cheraoke. And used in sentences:

The software is instigating just fine.


Do you see that 2003 Jeep Cheraoke?

That last one sounds better if you mix the words Karaoke, and Cherokee (which is what happened).

Bad internet... bad...

Well, not all of it. I’ve generally had quite a good experience with buying stuff online, never had any issues. Purchased quite a bit from ebay, a few books, and a little bits and pieces all over the place (Stephanie’s game sites etc). That was until recently.